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What to expect

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You + EQ = Change

Expect to get brutally honest with yourself. Have you been making excuses as to why you always find yourself at odds with a colleague? Or that you can't seem to keep cool during your morning commute? Chances are, you need to re-evaluate how you are approaching these interactions and interpreting data, while being held accountable for your actions. And I'm here to help- lucky you! ​To do this, we'll weave in the concepts of emotional intelligence (EQ) with your personal goals so that you can begin to incorporate it into your action plan. Focusing on how you can better manage your relationships, stress, and time, will have a positive domino effect on all other areas of life.

Slowly and surely, you will begin to see progress in not just achieving your set goals, but you will experience such valuable personal growth that you won't be able to operate without an EQ mindset. 

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